Sunday Happenings

I am putting off studying for just a few minutes to tell you that dealing with the public school system sucks even for something as minor as sports!!! I am very happy that we have this option but I have done a ton of work for my son to be on swim team in addition to paying $150. plus $45 for a team swimsuit that I’m frustrated and thankful that I don’t have to deal with them all the time. I am taking him for his physical tomorrow and then the husband can run the forms and check to the school, so he should be able to start swimming by tomorrow afternoon. 

Last Thursday I got up at the crack of dawn to drive to the east side so that I could hitch a ride with other grad students and go to the All Ohio Counselor’s Conference at Easton Square in Columbus. It was a great day if tiring and I learned a great deal and had lots of fun bonding with the other ladies on the trip down and back. I even snuck to the American Girl doll store for the Princess’ birthday presents, I know her birthday isn’t until Jan. but I hate paying for shipping. 

Grad school is fine but it has been keeping me way to busy! I have registered for Spring semester, will be taking an elective on Chemical Dependency since it is becoming so prevalent, human growth and development and counseling techniques. 

Yesterday I dragged the husband to a Reformed Jewish synagogue for their study hour and Saturday service. They were a great bunch of people and I’m hoping to go back to visit when I have the time. The service was in both English and Hebrew and I love hearing Hebrew spoken and sung. The Rabbi was so funny and humble. Now to write up the dratted paper for the excursion. 

Ok, I guess I had better get to studying, I have at least 4 chapters in texts to ready before Weds and about 40 pages of articles. Plus I want to finish my presentation for research and start this paper.

4 thoughts on “Sunday Happenings

    • you haven’t seen how messy my house is…..that is how I do it, we have clean clothes, food and clean dishes but the rest of the
      house is a disaster area until I get down with this semester…….

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