
I”m not really in the mood to write since I wrote a great deal yesterday for my class. But I wanted to share this. Af ew days ago Kendra was drawing an Avatar character and couldn’t get his right eye the way she wanted. So she asked me to do it, I laughed at her and said, Yes, I draw but not life stills, I”m a nature or architectural drawer, not people. She wouldnt’ give in and I ended up drawing one, she didn’t like that one for her picture but did say it was a nice eye, so I did the outline of a better eye and then made her finish it.

I’m happy thinking that perhaps she is starting to see a bit of value in me, or least that there are some things I can do.

One thought on “briefly

  1. Rose,
    I would say that is a real answer to prayer for you. That she realizes that you do have artistic talent, as she does just different, and that you can relate to what she is doing. This could be just the break through you need to build a deeper and stronger relationship. Most likely it won’t happen over night but we serve a HUGE and POWERFUL God who can and does change hearts.

    I’ll be praying for more break throughs for both of you.

    (((((Rose & Kendra)))))

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