Oct.22, 2006

The MOPS breakfast was this morning. We had to be at church by 7:30am. didn’t get home until almost 1:30pm. We are dead tired now. We have to do some cleaning in the apartment since the upper management is supposed to come access damage from the water pipe break.

I still need to write the lesson plans for this week. I’m really trying to get the boys on a schedule so that come Jan. it won’t be quite so hard.

Tomorrow I need to stop by Diane’s house and pick up some things. I’m going to refresh my math skills for the math placement test. She also has some magazines for me.

Tuesday~MOPS, I will get there at 8:30am and not leave until about noon.

Weds.~Bible study, devotions in the morning, choir practice in the evening.

Thurs. ~ choir in the evening,

Fri~packing for Virginia……..

I have a ton of cleaning to do and am so tired. I wore my pedometer to church this morning and from the time I walked out the door and then walked back in the door I logged 7697 steps. However it doesnt’ register steps that you walk up or down. So that put me at well over 7700 steps for just the first half of today.

Oh yes, I need to run to target for non food items. more steps…..

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